What are your deepest fears?

Everyone is afraid of something. There are no exceptions to this rule, and in essence, fear is a good thing because it keeps us away from danger. But the safer we are from the perils our ancestors had to face, the more irrational or even rational fears befall us, and these can vary greatly from person to person. Would you like to find out which kinds of fear are most pronounced in you? This 15-question test will provide you with your personal fear profile. It can help you better understand the nature of your phobias and trepidations and offers a first stepping stone on your journey to overcome them.

Fear can be imagined: the human brain is capable of experiencing fear just by thinking about what triggers the respective phobia, even without the presence of actual stimuli. Humans might just be the most fearful creatures on Earth because we can imagine bad things happening and shudder at the thought.